Updated: May 21, 2020
During COVID-19 Lock Down, online teaching is evolving as the most suitable means for teaching and learning. Teachers and Lecturers are required to conduct an online classes in order to educate their students.

By online classes, conducting and teaching learning session with the support of Internet and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Nowadays, we have a lot of open sources Learning Management System (LMS) solutions such as Google Classrom, Moodle and Chamilo. Teachers or Lecturers can inform students about the time and the topic of online class through WhatsApp or Email. Students can stream video Tutorials live in YouTube. Anything that related to Assignment or Task, students are encouraged to ask questions on WhatsApp by using Group Chat. Assignments also can be submit through WhatsApp or Email in PDF file. Teachers and Lecturers will be much more easier for them to check it on wherever they are.

I had time to take picture when I was having online class on the past few days. There's my Lecturer which is Madam Selvi Sarome, and a few of my classmates. Oh ya! Forgot to tell you guys that I'm taking E-Advertising in this Short Semester. We used WebEx meeting as a platform for us to communicate.
A portion of the syllabus should be completed by conducting online classes. Because of COVID-19 Lock Down, most of educational institution in Malaysia are closed. Conducting an online class will help Teachers and Lecturers cover the subject's syllabus while waiting the educational institution to reopen.
However, there are some part of the assessment would change. Most of the educational institution decided to stop examination for a while during this Lock Down in the main to protect the students from going outside. Students was given with Project or Proposal which carry 50% and the other 50% was divided into Tutorials (Class Activities) 40% and Presentation 10%. Conducting online classes will help students to maintain their flow of studies. In whatever situation, students will always be engaged in studies during this Lock Down.